AGMs and EGMs

PTAs are required to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) and may call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) if necessary. Here's what you need to know about each one.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

An AGM must be held once a year and all members of the association should be invited to attend. Your governing document should specify the number of attendees required for the AGM (to form a quorum) and when in the year it should be held. It is best practice to give at least 21 days written notice of an AGM – explain the purpose of the meeting, give the order of business and include a reply slip seeking nominations for election to the committee.

Typically there is a report made by the treasurer on the funds raised and how these have been spent. The chair will highlight successes, thank those who have been involved and indicate what is planned for the next year. It is usual for all members of the committee to stand down at the AGM, although they can seek re-election.

Keep the order of business as succinct as possible – the shortest AGM we have come across lasted just seven minutes! Any supporting information – for example a full breakdown of income and expenditure – can be uploaded to the school’s website or copies made available for interested parties to collect.

As well as dealing with the dull (but necessary) agenda items swiftly, here are a few ideas to help boost attendance:

  • Combine the AGM with a school event such as parents’ evening.
  • Ask your head to promote the benefits of the PTA and to encourage attendance at the AGM.
  • An AGM sounds dull and official, so explain that the meeting will be kept brief and plan something exciting for afterwards.
  • Can you run the AGM prior to an event, such as ‘Annual Groove Mania’ with a family disco? Make the event free to attend and run it on a bring-your-own refreshments basis to keep planning simple.
  • Ask each committee member and class rep to bring two people.

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

As with the AGM, it is best practice to give at least 21 days written notice of an EGM – explain the purpose of the meeting, give the order of business and include a reply slip seeking nominations for election to the committee.

The Charity Commission explains when an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be necessary:

‘EGMs are held for the consideration of non-recurring business that requires approval by the members between AGMs. Whilst these will often be called by the charity trustees to transact business such as alterations to its governing document, they may also be requested by members.

Members can ask the charity trustees to call an EGM if they feel that the charity trustees are not fulfilling the charity’s aims and objectives, or where they feel the charity is not being administered effectively. The governing document will usually set out the number of full members required to request an EGM, and how this should be done. If the request is properly made, the charity trustees cannot refuse. The same people who are allowed to attend an AGM are usually entitled to attend an EGM. The governing document should be checked for any differences.

Examples of items to be dealt with at an EGM include:

  • Alteration of the governing document
  • Winding up the charity
  • Merging the charity with another or others
  • Discussion of an issue brought forward by members.

For more information on AGMs and EGMs, go to


Further reading